Wedding Tray
It’s a small world when one of the instructors that works for me is the sister of three of my middle school students “back in the day” when I taught Social Studies. The tray was created by using a variety of colored ceramic tiles. As the wedding united two families, a small frame was created for each daughter — for Emma who loves to dance and for Alyssa who is just a lovely little girlie-girl.
Barbados Turtle
My very first trip out of the country was to visit Barbados. The turtle mosaic was a gift to my hostess. During our trip, we went swimming with the turtles — that was a hoot since I don’t swim! The piece is make of vitreous tile and one piece of millifiore!
Wedding Shoe
A tape dispenser in the shape of a shoe was the inspiration to celebrate a Washington D.C. wedding where blue shoes were the highlight of the day. An old refrigerator magnet helped to celebrate the spring time wedding. The tape dispenser was covered in plaster of paris and then covered with gems, gemstones and other blue items.
Finding Words
I was very motivated by the Colorado Mosaic Artists community project for Children’s Hospital. We created an interactive piece of art so that patients and parents waiting in the MRI room would have something to look as well as “to do.”
I wanted my piece to be interactive as well. I took the idea of a word puzzle and decided to use jewelry bezels to be the squares. My color design followed what CMA had done for the mural — the colors of the rainbow (ROYGBIV). I had fun making it although I had to be very careful that everything was spelled correctly and in the right place. I added the wire on three words to help viewers to “see” how the words were placed.
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